
【吉隆坡一日游】 【shop shop shop】

2day we went to KL..i luv KL..
KL shopping centre are big!!!and the service attitude is sibei gud!^^
i like it~and i go 2 a shooping centre name 'the curve'..
i bought a jeans and 2 T-shirt(TOUGH)~~happy..
mama giv money..so ~Tq mum..!!luv u!!haha ~
then when i go in the changing room~the changing room like a dancing room!@@
becos got many light inside the transparent floor~
so cool..and inside the changing room..also got a sit..
the sit is a steel 'matong'..cool also~~~so if i had more time..i will learn MJ~haha
so ..i want to go back KL when holiday again~
跳tone..2day many fren tell me 朱台湾got catch up in the '大柔佛今日我最帅'..
but im in melaka..so~haiz..
but i already told my bro to keep the newspaper~haha..
when i go back..i will quickly!go n see the newspaper and keep it as a baby!(yuakss)
hah~so am i a crazy girl..i think so..
wed i will do puding and 果冻!!exciting!~yahoo!
then 2day 阿井ask me will the vanila flavour are奇怪?
then i say..if we do untill 失败。。we 2 will eat eat eat until finish..and don tell people we got do puding!
haha!but i trust we will success lah!!gambatek!
thur i will go out with 宇彤they all..go cs~and go to see'up'..~
okok..i think will be fine lah!!^
阿井wed want to go pratice!!gambatek and坚持到底!没有sze min also have to go oh~
do something to be 贡献给管乐!加油!
and if got pratice 吹乐器!也要加油!跑步跑完~
okok..i noe im so noisy!!

ok..i am sleepy..and gudnite everyone..
wish i can make a sweet dream~yaya~


